Looking for bread that has some extra flavor and is easy to make? Look no further. This Irish household staple has you covered.

Makes: 6 Servings    |      Preparation Time: 15 minutes



  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F.
  2. Mix together flour, salt and baking soda in a large bowl. Further combine ingredients by sifting with a fork. 
  3. In the middle of the flour mix, make a well and slowly add the majority of buttermilk and mix thoroughly. Ensure dough is soft but not wet. 
  4. Flour your surface and knead the dough lightly. Sprinkle raisins when kneading dough if desired. Then create an 8 inch circle with the dough. 
  5. Place dough on a cookie sheet lined with flour or parchment paper. 
  6. Cut a 1 inch deep cross using a sharp knife on top of the bread. 
  7. Use La Panza Extra Virgin Olive Oil to brush the top of the bread. 
  8. Let bake for 25-35 minutes until it turns golden brown and the dough is hollow sounding. Let cool before serving warm. 
  9. PRO TIP do not over knead the dough- this will make it too tough.